Performance Management for Shipping IT

A presentation related to  performance management for shipping IT covering the following topics:

  • The role of shipping IT

  • Measurements and key performance indicators

  • The Balanced Scorecard Approach

  • Smart Targets

  • The Shipping IT Balanced Scorecard

  • Integrating the IT targets with those of our Company

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Information Technology Governance in Shipping

A presentation for Information Technology Governance covering the following topics:

  • What is IT Governance and why is it important

  • Key IT decisions and decision makers

  • Survey on Shipping IT Governance

  • How do enterprises govern IT and how is shipping different

  • How top performers govern

  • Some conclusions and proposal

Includes the results of an exclusive survey to 33 international shipping companies dealing with more than 600 vessels, more than 170 IT department employees.

Click here for this presentation in pdf format



The Chief Information Officer in Shipping

(by Charis Nassis)

Information and communication technology (ICT) is the most important technology for shipping companies. IT systems are complex and over the years the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has evolved to the credible executive assigned to extract value from the use of technology. ICT in shipping is very much alike other industries but some notable differences exist.

Employing the best CIO makes a big difference in cost and returns and can accentuate IT to a strategic asset. The principal factor that impacts technology in a shipping company is the Chief Information Officer.


This article examines why IT is important for shipping companies, the evolving role of the CIO, why employing the best CIO makes the difference, how to go about information technology strategy, and how to distinguish the best shipping CIO.

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